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Flying in to experiences and away from expectations

Every semester I fly to school. I choose the aisle seat because I’ve seen the San Antonio-to-Chicago landscape a million times and I can assure you the flatlands have not changed. On my way to school today I was in the window seat. 2 hours in I decided to peek out the window to gaze at the soft layer of clouds melting into the Appalachians. A beautiful reminder that this semester is going to be full of change.


It’s been about a week since I wrote the paragraph above, thinking I’d hop off the plane, fight the jet lag and get this blog up and running. I was wrong.

Maybe that was a good way for me to realize early on that I should let go of my expectations for these next four months.

Instead I realized I had to unpack. And get organized. And eat. Actually, find somewhere to eat, because the exchange student trip to IKEA wasn't scheduled for another two days and I didn't try to stuff kitchenware in my already overweight suitcases. And also get a bus card, because of course all the restaurants on campus were closed.

My first trip to the city centre was overwhelming and I don't like to be overwhelmed. Apparently so much so that it makes me visibly anxious. I fumbled through my purse for my bus card and placed it on the reader, telling the man behind the wheel where I was going. I thought I was keeping it together pretty well! But I hadn't fooled the driver who, in the most friendly and Irish way possible, basically told me I needed to chill.

He was right.

And I needed to hear that. Being abroad is going to be a fairly consistent stream of new and unfamiliar experiences. Rather than be overwhelmed, I need to chill. I need to be open and excited about all that's ahead. I need to make the most of my time here, and not waste headspace worrying about not knowing what I'm doing.

Since then a lot has happened. From guided tours of historical places to exploring the city on my own for Sunday Mass and coffee. I even danced! On a little stage! At a Pub! (Low quality screenshot pictured above, because there's not a chance I'm posting that video.) Would I have willingly done that on my own? Oh, absolutely not. But am I glad the nice Irish dancer pulled me up there? Look at the photo again and let me know what you think.

So here's to a semester of trying new things and letting go of expectations. If you talk to me or keep up with this blog and it's clear I'm not doing that, please, remind me to chill.


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